Corporate Sustainability Management Framework
Sustainability Committee and Governance Structure
To realize our vision for sustainable development, fulfill our corporate social responsibilities, and strengthen our sustainability actions, we submitted a proposal to establish a sustainability committee to the Board in 2022. The proposal was approved in February, following which our Sustainability Committee was formally established and our corporate goals for sustainable development were elevated to the level of the Board. The Sustainability Committee is subordinate to the Board and is composed of three committee members in accordance with corporate needs. Chairman Sheng Pao-Shi heads the Committee, and Independent Director Lee Yi-Chin and Director Chen Shih-Min serve as Committee members. The Committee coordinates corporate strategies for sustainable development, management guidelines, and specific plans for implementation, and also provides regular progress reports to the Board. The main responsibilities of the Committee are as follows:
- Formulation of goals, strategies, and directions for corporate, social, and sustainable development, management guidelines and specific plans for implementation.
- Compilation of information relating to annual goals and implementations of sustainable development and ESG indicators.
- Tracking, review, and revision of sustainable development implementations and performance.
- Other matters relating to Board resolutions and ESG developments.
Five executive working groups (Corporate Governance, Responsible Manufacturing and Innovation, Health and Social Wellbeing, Employee Welfare, and Environmental Sustainability) have been established under the Board as shown in the following figure. The highest-ranking managers of relevant departments serve as the conveners and authorized officers of each working group. The working groups assess all sustainability issues based on materiality principles, provide progress reports at each Sustainability Committee meeting, and submit annual management guidelines for material issues that are used for sustainability reports and external disclosures. The organizational structure of the working groups is as follows:
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