Stakeholder Communication

Stakeholder Communication and Identification

Bora Pharmaceuticals attaches great importance to the rights of all stakeholders and works to establish public, transparent, and effective communication channels with all our stakeholders based on a stable and responsible attitude to achieve our vision of a sustainable future.

Bora upholds responsibilities and missions relating to sustainable governance. We have established a mailbox for stakeholder communication on our official website and also identified important stakeholders related to corporate operations, which include employees, investors, clients, and suppliers. We further communicate issues of concern to our stakeholders. In 2022, we continued to strengthen communications on issues of stakeholder concern through implementation of ESG strategic projects and analysis of correlations between stakeholder engagement and communication results to ensure that we thoroughly responded to all stakeholder needs. We regularly submit reports on stakeholder communications to the Board each year.

This graph represents Bora’s communication channels and responses.

Stakeholder Communication 2022

Stakeholder Communication Platform

Apart from important stakeholders, Bora also maintains good communications and interactions with all other stakeholders. We established mailboxes for external communication on our official website as well as diverse and transparent communications channels with all stakeholders in hopes of working towards our vision of a sustainable future with all our stakeholders. If you have any questions, please contact us through the following channels.

Stakeholder Communication Table 2022

Investor and media relations

Bora has always been committed to investor relations. We have established a spokesperson and point of contact for investor relations, periodically host shareholders’ meetings and release annual reports, release important information and announcements on the Market Observation Post System, non-periodically organize investor conferences and small investor symposiums, and issue press releases to maintain good relations with the media, achieve timeliness and transparency in information disclosures, and protect shareholder interests.

Spokesperson: Vice President Chen Shih-Min
Acting spokesperson: Alice Wang, Director, Finance & Accounting Division
Phone number: +886-2-2790-1555
Stock transfer agency
Name: Stock-Affairs Agency Department, Taishin International Bank Co., Ltd.
Address: B1, No. 96, Jianguo North Road, Section 1, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10489
Phone number: (02) 2504-8125
Customer communications
Bora is a professional CDMO provider that owns advanced facilities aligned with international standards and offers clients professional and customized services.
Contact: Ms. Wang
Supplier contact
Bora applies rigorous standards when selectsuppliers and aims to maintain long-term and stable collaborative supplier relations. We conduct non-periodic supplier audits and hold safety meetings to maintain stable production and operations.
Contact: Mr. Huang
Employee relations and benefits
Bora attaches great importance to employee rights. We not only periodically convene Employee Welfare Committee meetings, but also host irregular communication meetings between our managers and colleagues. We also adhere to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, emphasize human rights and equality at work, and comply with international regulations on labor health and safety protection measures to create an employee-friendly workplace. We believe that provision of a stable, healthy, and comfortable environment allows all employees to build their careers and maximize their potential. We offer effective and appropriate grievance reporting mechanisms for labor rights violations to ensure equality and transparency of the reporting process.
Contact: Ms. Chen
Environmental health and safety
Bora aims to achieve sustainable development and attaches great importance to occupational safety, environmental protection, pollution prevention, and other environmental health and safety issues.
Contact: Mr. Chang
Mailbox for reports of ethical management violations
Bora has established the “Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles,” “Code of Ethical Conduct,” “Regulations for Employee Rewards and Punishment,” and other human resource regulations, as well as subsequent measures following investigations. We have also established an employee suggestion box and kept close tabs on it to make sure our employees can deliver information safely and confidentially . We also set up a dedicated unit which investigates and responds to reports. In 2023, the mailbox received one report. After internal investigation, no clear evidence was found. To enhance the management system, appropriate action was taken. The mailbox has not received any other reports of dishonesty, unethical behavior, or violations of insider trading.
Contact: Ms. Chen
Date of Report to the Board
Communications with various stakeholders were reported to the Board on December 19, 2023.
Whistleblowing Platform
We value the rights and interests of all stakeholders. For the convenience of stakeholders seeking assistance or reporting improper conduct that violates company requirements and to protect the privacy or anonymity of whistleblowers, Bora have entrusted Deloitte to manage the following whistleblowing platform and will regularly report to the Board of Directors.

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