Bora’s ESG vision

Bora’s ESG vision

Sustainability Vision

Bora Pharmaceuticals launched the “ESG Program” in response to the challenges and opportunities brought on by sustainable management and to incorporate issues of concern to our stakeholders. We have established a Sustainability Committee to focus on our five main strategies which are linked to the UN SDGs. We strive to achieve all sustainable management indicators with our core corporate values and expertise for promotion of economic growth, social development, and environmental protection so as to enhance our competitiveness and exert our positive influence as a pharmaceutical company.

Sustainability Objectives

Bora Pharmaceuticals actively commits to achieving sustainability goals. The Sustainability Development Executive Office collaborates with various working groups to discuss and establish short-, medium-, and long-term sustainability objectives. These goals were discussed with the Sustainability Development Committee and the Board of Directors on November 13, 2024.


Short Term (2025-2026)

Mid Term (2027-2029)

Long Term (2030-2034)


•       Improve Sustainability Performance (EcoVadis)

•       BPSI to implement SBTi

•       To plan and commit net zero emission target

•       Complete the group’s greenhouse gas inventory audit and verification

•       To plan energy saving and reduction plan

•       Obtain ISO 50001(Energy Management System)

•       Obtain ISO 14001(Environmental Management System)

•       To plan the Group’s SBTi and carbon reduction path

•       To set the carbon reduction target for the supply chain and provide assistance


•       To employ employee engagement survey

•       To promote human right due diligence

•       To plan pharmaceutical related charitable activity

•       To establish product safety and target

•       To establish responsible marketing policy

•       To establish access to medicine target

•       To establish talent development plan for key position or management associate plan

•       To promote sustainable human rights risk assessment


•       To increase the corporate governance score

•       To ensure the effective operation of sustainability office, and to set ESG target and execute accordingly

•       To establish whistleblowing procedure

•       To establish the preparation and assurance procedure for the sustainability report and incorporate it into internal control system

•       To update information security related information on the website

•       To implement risk management

•       To establish supplier sustainable audit and risk evaluation

•       To implement Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures and execute accordingly

•       To implement third party information security risk assessment platform

•       To evaluate suppliers’ ESG performance when selecting suppliers
To have Bora be included in sustainable index(FTSE4Good Emerging Index, MSCI ESG LEADERS Indexes

•       Obtain ISO 27001(Information Security Management System)