Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health

Management Approach:

Bora is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment by implementing occupational safety and health policies integrated into business processes. The company conducts regular health check-ups and risk management activities. By establishing, maintaining, and improving its occupational safety management system, Bora reduces occupational hazards and consistently upholds standards that exceed regulatory requirements to protect employee health and safety.

Enhancing Employee Safety and Health Awareness and Establishing a Safety Culture

Bora has established environmental, health, and safety (EHS) policies for occupational safety and health management. These policies are implemented through training and awareness programs applicable to all employees, contractors, and participants in the company’s operational management and organizational activities. The scope includes key topics such as emergency response, night shift and commander handover training, high-potency drug risk control, workplace environment assessments, laboratory safety, noise management, radiation safety, mechanical and electrical safety, warehouse safety, fire prevention, and explosion-proof electrical management. These efforts provide guidance for occupational safety and health management at our facilities, enhance employee awareness, and foster a strong safety culture.

In addition, in 2024, our EHS team discussed and formulated internal group-wide environmental and occupational safety and health policies.

In 2023, Bora Pharmaceuticals (including its subsidiaries) did not experience any incidents or penalties related to violations of occupational health and safety laws or regulations.

Occupational Safety and Health Training

Bora Pharmaceuticals complies with regulations to conduct occupational safety and health training and drills. Employees are also sent to participate in required certification training to obtain operational qualifications. These efforts aim to enhance workplace safety and health awareness, reducing the occurrence of occupational hazards. The occupational safety and health training conducted in 2023 included the following:

  1. Safety and health training for new employees
  2. General hazard communication training for chemicals
  3. Emergency response drills for toxic chemical spills
  4. Fire prevention and disaster training
  5. Occupational safety and health certification training (including hazardous equipment, first aid personnel, boiler operators, forklift operators, and supervisors of hazardous operations)

Total Training Hours (Unit: Hours)

Training Hours (New Employees)


Training Hours (Routine, e.g., Hazard Communication, Fire Safety, etc.)



Occupational Injury Statistics

Bora Pharmaceuticals prioritizes employees’ work environment and operational safety by establishing an incident reporting and investigation mechanism. Monthly statistics on incidents are compiled, with causes analyzed and preventive measures developed to strengthen internal diagnostics and achieve outstanding safety performance.

In 2023, there were no major occupational injuries. Recordable incidents totaled five, with zero severe injuries, resulting in a recordable incident rate of 0.64. Additionally, no occupational diseases were reported.

Group Occupational Hazard Statistics Table

Total Hours Worked


Occupational Injuries

Number of General Occupational Injuries
(lost workdays within 180 days)


Number of Severe Occupational Injuries

(lost workdays greater than 180 days)


Number of Recordable Occupational Injuries


Number of Occupational Injury Deaths


Lost Workdays Note 1


Severe Occupational Injury Rate Note 2


Recordable Occupational Injury Rate Note 3


Occupational Injury Fatality Rate Note 4


Occupational Diseases

Number of Occupational Diseases


Number of Occupational Disease Deaths


Occupational Disease Fatality Rate Note 5


Number of Recordable Occupational Diseases


Note 1:The total number of lost days following an injury from the date of injury, including all days the injured person is temporarily (or permanently) unable to return to work, excluding the day of injury and the day of return to work, but including all intervening days (such as Sundays, holidays, or company shutdown days) and any days after return to work that the person is unable to work due to the injury.

Note 2:Severe Occupational Injury Rate = [Number of Severe Occupational Injuries (excluding deaths) × 200,000 hours] / Total Hours Worked.

Note 3:Recordable Occupational Injury Rate = (Number of Recordable Occupational Injuries × 200,000 hours) / Total Hours Worked.

Note 4:Occupational Injury Fatality Rate = (Number of Occupational Injury Deaths × 200,000 hours) / Total Hours Worked.

Note 5:Occupational Disease Fatality Rate = (Number of Occupational Disease Deaths × 200,000 hours) / Total Hours Worked.

Non-EmployeesNo Occupational Injury Incidents

Work Hours

Work Hours

Number of Non-Employee Workers This Year

Daily Work Hours

Monthly Workdays



