Board of Director Performance Evaluation

Board of Director Performance Evaluation

The Company has 8 directors, including 4 independent directors. Board of directors are selected based on their professionalism and diversity, and are evaluated periodically in accordance with the “Regulations Governing Board Performance Evaluation” to enhance the Board’s operating efficiency.

Evaluation of the performance for the board of directors: The Company, in accordance with “Regulations Governing Board Performance Evaluation”, shall beginning 2020, conduct evaluation of the board of directors on a yearly basis, and submitted the evaluation results to the board of directors on March 30, 2021. The evaluation and results are as follows:

Corporate Governance Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation CycleOnce every year
Evaluation Period2024/01/01 to 2024/12/31
Evaluation ScopeBoard of directors, individual director, audit committee and compensation committee
Evaluation MethodInternal evaluation of the board and self-evaluation by individual board members
Corporate Governance Evaluation Criteria

Corporate Governance Evaluation

Evaluation Contents
(I) Criteria for evaluating the performance of the board of directors include the following:
1. Participation in the operation of the Company.
2. Improvement of the quality of the board of directors’ decision making.
3. Composition and structure of the board of directors.
4. Election and continuing education of the directors.
5. Internal control.
(II) The criteria for evaluating the performance of the board members cover the following aspects:
1. Alignment of the goals and missions of the Company.
2. Awareness of the duties of a director.
3. Participation in the operation of the Company.
4. Management of internal relationship and communication.
5. The director’s professionalism and continuing education.
6. Internal control.
(III) Criteria for evaluating the performance of the Audit Committee include the following:
1. Participation in the operation of the Company.
2. Awareness of the duties of the functional committee.
3. Improvement of quality of decisions made by the functional committee.
4. Functional committee composition and election of members.
5. Internal control.
(IV) Criteria for evaluating the performance of the Compensation Committee include the following:
1. Participation in the operation of the Company.
2. Awareness of the duties of the functional committee.
3. Improvement of quality of decisions made by the functional committee.
4. Functional committee composition and election of members.
5. Internal control.
Corporate Governance Evaluation

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