Vision for Sustainability and Development Goals
Vision and Main Axes for Sustainability
Bora Pharmaceuticals launched the “ESG Program” in response to the challenges and opportunities brought on by sustainable management and to incorporate issues of concern to our stakeholders. We have established a Sustainability Committee to focus on our five main strategies which are linked to the UN SDGs. We strive to achieve all sustainable management indicators with our core corporate values and expertise for promotion of economic growth, social development, and environmental protection so as to enhance our competitiveness and exert our positive influence as a pharmaceutical company.

Sustainable Development Goals and Corresponding SDGs
The United Nations officially announced the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015 to serve as a strategic blueprint for peace and prosperity of mankind and the Earth. The SDGs include 17 core sustainable development goals and 169 specific practical goals. The aim of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to ensure that all countries, enterprises, and people around the world can work together to face challenges and implement sustainable development goals before 2030. Bora Pharmaceuticals considers sustainable development to be an important indicator for long-term corporate operations ,expecting to exert our influence on society and the environment. We matched our vision for sustainability and link our five strategic axes and actions for sustainable development with the SDGs referenced the SDG Compass guidelines published by UN Global Compact, GRI standards, and WBCSD, to align our sustainable development strategies with international trends.